“Put aside the marketing mindset”

How often do you not get sentences like this, especially when talking about social media? It’s like a strategy to say that being genuine is not a part of marketing strategy and marketing is mainly about misleading people into buying something they don’t really need.

But isn’t this the whole purpose of marketing? To be genuine and communicate with target groups (sorry: people…) to express the true nature of our organisations. The alignment between what we want the brand to be and how people inside our organisation behaves?

Sure, sometimes we communicate what we aspire the brand to become and then there can be some dissonance between how our employees act and the brand message, but the purpose is not to mislead our customers but to move our organisation in a desired direction.

Marketing is about conversation with people and we as marketers understand that people (customers) want to meet the real people behind our organisation. People communicate with people, not organisations.

Please stop pretending that marketing is not about people to people communication!

But I love the title: “3 Cs of social media MARKETING…”

And here is another from someone that I would expect should know better…

Rest In Peace Marketing: I Never Really Liked You Anyway

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